Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Scito te ipsum

“Parents who prevent their children from entering religion sin mortally. To turn one from a religious vocation is nothing else than to slay Jesus Christ in the heart of another.”
--- St. Jerome

“Let parents consider what a great honor it is to see their son elevated to the priesthood, or their daughter consecrate her virginity to her Divine Spouse.”
--- Pope Pius XII, Sacra virginitas

Intellectually I know the decision is ultimately in God's hands, but recently these song lyrics come to mind a lot:

I could've been what I could've been
I could've been somethin'
If my destiny had been up to me
I would've been somethin'...

If they had just let me go
Where I was rarin' to go
When I was rarin' to go back then...

God only knows
What I could've been
--- "What I Could've Been" by Stephen Schwartz

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