While reading Father Jim Chern's Blog today, the entry for July 5 stood right out for me:
Every one of us is confronted daily with opportunities to respond to what ever it is God has called us to, or we are tempted to fulfill some desire that we want... I’ve met more than a few individuals who God is calling to be a priest or a religious, but they jump from one thing to another - one job to another job, relationship to relationship almost trying to dodge God and they can’t figure out why they are still unhappy, still unsettled, still not as at peace.
From my personal perspective, these words ring so true. But what becomes even more frustrating is when you finally stop running and say “here I am” only to be met with non-stop resistance. Just as I did late this morning after mass, I now open up and tell the truth. I fell apart on the way home when the priest I confided to, though admitting he didn't really know me, suggested I forget any pursuit of the priesthood.
The anguish is unbearable. What gives?
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